San Diego
Humane Society

The San Diego Humane Society is a non-profit organization that aims to promote the welfare of animals and the community in San Diego County, California. Their mission is to prevent animal cruelty, promote animal welfare, and educate the public about animal issues, with a focus on reaching individuals of all ages.

San Diego
Humane Society

The San Diego Humane Society is a non-profit organization that aims to promote the welfare of animals and the community in San Diego County, California. Their mission is to prevent animal cruelty, promote animal welfare, and educate the public about animal issues, with a focus on reaching individuals of all ages.

San Diego
Humane Society

The San Diego Humane Society is a non-profit organization that aims to promote the welfare of animals and the community in San Diego County, California. Their mission is to prevent animal cruelty, promote animal welfare, and educate the public about animal issues, with a focus on reaching individuals of all ages.


Website Redesign


UX/UI Designer


4 Weeks




San Diego Humane Society's original website was that it was outdated, cluttered, and lacked excitement. The website did not effectively communicate the joy and happiness associated with adopting a pet, which was deterring potential adopters from visiting the shelter. The organization needed to create a website that was happy, enjoyable, and encouraged visitors to come to the shelter to see the amazing animals that they had to offer.


San Diego Humane Society's original website was that it was outdated, cluttered, and lacked excitement. The website did not effectively communicate the joy and happiness associated with adopting a pet, which was deterring potential adopters from visiting the shelter. The organization needed to create a website that was happy, enjoyable, and encouraged visitors to come to the shelter to see the amazing animals that they had to offer.


San Diego Humane Society's original website was that it was outdated, cluttered, and lacked excitement. The website did not effectively communicate the joy and happiness associated with adopting a pet, which was deterring potential adopters from visiting the shelter. The organization needed to create a website that was happy, enjoyable, and encouraged visitors to come to the shelter to see the amazing animals that they had to offer.


With San Diego Humane Society's website, I decided to redesign their website with a focus on creating a more visually appealing and user-friendly experience. The new website needed to communicate the joy of pet adoption, while also providing all the necessary information about the organization's services, programs, and events. The design incorporated bright and cheerful colors, high-quality images of animals, and clear navigation to guide visitors through the site. Overall, the new website aimed to create a positive and engaging experience for visitors while promoting the organization's mission of animal welfare.


With San Diego Humane Society's website, I decided to redesign their website with a focus on creating a more visually appealing and user-friendly experience. The new website needed to communicate the joy of pet adoption, while also providing all the necessary information about the organization's services, programs, and events. The design incorporated bright and cheerful colors, high-quality images of animals, and clear navigation to guide visitors through the site. Overall, the new website aimed to create a positive and engaging experience for visitors while promoting the organization's mission of animal welfare.


With San Diego Humane Society's website, I decided to redesign their website with a focus on creating a more visually appealing and user-friendly experience. The new website needed to communicate the joy of pet adoption, while also providing all the necessary information about the organization's services, programs, and events. The design incorporated bright and cheerful colors, high-quality images of animals, and clear navigation to guide visitors through the site. Overall, the new website aimed to create a positive and engaging experience for visitors while promoting the organization's mission of animal welfare.